Cantueso organic ecologic

Organic Lavender stoechas Essential Oil, Lavandula stoechas

Cantueso organic ecologic

Lavandula stoechas
CAS: 90063 - 38 - 0 EINECS / ELINCS: 289 - 996 - 8 FEMA:


CAS  90063 - 38 - 0
EINECS / ELINCS  289 - 996 - 8
INCI NAME  Lavandula Stoechas oil ecologic


Aspecto  Liquid transparent.
Color  yellow pale to light brown.
Olor  wild, herbaceous.


Densidad  0.910 - 0.980
Refracción  1.460 - 1.480
Rotación  (+10º / +25º)
Punto de inflamación  65ºC

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (Active principles)

Componente NORMA
a-PINENE  7 – 15 %
LIMONENE  0,5 - 5
1,8 CINEOL  12 -25
FENCHONE  20 - 35
CAMPHOR  7 - 17
LINALOL  1 - 7
FENCHOL  0,5 - 5


The oil of cantueso extracted essential organic is obtained by dragging steam from the Lavandula Stoechas. Plant present in the Mediterranean basin, especially in eastern Spain and Portugal. For its development, an acid soil is necessary.

Shrub-shaped shrub that can reach 1 m in height and green stems. The leaves are long and narrow, with an entire border, compact inflorescence, with a quadrangular section in dense purple spikes.

It blooms in spring and early summer, depending on area and weather.

Traditionally it has been related to properties that fight the affections of the chest and bronchi. It is used as an antiseptic and healing. Very popular in aromatherapy and for the preparation of infusions.